Reinhard Bösl
Value Balance is a logical and consistent further development of previously known balancing methods concerning social, ecological, and cultural corporate values as an integral part of balance sheets. The way I see it, this is an essential step towards a comprehensive evaluation and for the sustainable development of an enterprise.
Comprehensive Evaluation
Supervising and advisory services
Gerald Häfner
How did it happen that economically successful economic activity nevertheless destroys the planet, the climate and the people? The fatal reduction of economic considerations to the purely materially countable and measurable and the simultaneous exclusion of all other effects has completely replaced them with categories such as meaning, value, sustainability, humanity and future. Remedy is overdue if there is still a future worth living after us. Value balance systematically and transparently broadens the view, among other things. Into the social, cultural and ecological reality in bookable real values and thus reflects the actual economic conditions more realistically than before. This gives entrepreneurs, the general public, employees, customers and investors a basis for judgment and decision-making, without which future economic decisions will no longer be possible. Only such a more comprehensive view allows us to take responsibility for a future as our children demand and our grandchildren need. Gerald Haefner Head of the Social Sciences Section, Goetheanum Co-founder and board spokesman of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, Mehr Demokratie, Democracy International, Federal Enlightenment Foundation Ten years (1987-1990; 1994-1998; 2001-2002) member of the German Bundestag, there Member and chairman of the Legal Committee, the European Committee, the Special Committee on German Unity and the Enquête Commission for dealing with GDR injustice 2009-2014 as a member of the European Parliament, coordinator and chairman of the ethics committee and member of the constitution, legal and petitions committees
Booking and accounting real values
Tobias Lang
Trigon Entwicklungsberatung
Many companies invest in the development of a valuing, open culture, in its workers with comprehensive human resource and organizational development programs, in modern forms of organization, and in programs for sustainability. Core values lie behind all these important efforts. But how will these values connect at the company’s business level in a visible and measurable way? With his comprehensive Value Balance concept, Rainer Monnet offers an innovative approach to combine corporate sustainability and future viability. Corporate development and economy integrate in a completely new way. He shows companies ways towards a life-promoting economy.
The Way to a Life Promoting Economy
Trigon development consultant
Miha Pogacnik
For the last three decades, I’ve been drawing on the mystical processes of musical masterpieces to support business transformation. But there was always something missing for connecting artistic values in a recognizable and sustainable way to business organizations. Value Balance is the missing link! Combined, a musical intervention and the Value Balance system can be effective for organizations. Corporate value compositions develop to unite heart and reason artistically. The existing skepticism about whether art and a new form of balancing could further transform the essence of an enterprise just shows how unable entrepreneurs are to recognize value.
Leadership innovator, social visionary, violin maestro
Cultural Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia
Dr. Kurt E. Becker
What is relevant tomorrow and the day after? Monnet’s Value Balance harmonizes today’s economy and ecology to guarantee sustainable success for the future.
The Day After Tomorrow
Author, publicist, communications consultant, and executive coach
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Dieter Bodack, M.S
A consequent further development of the common good balance, even more a qualitative step in a comprehensive analysis and communication of the diverse values of a company. It can meet legitimate social demands and establish trust in the company more deeply.
Qualitative step
Inventor of the InterRegio of the DB
Hermann Seiberth
I hope innovative companies will react to the Value Balance initiative. It is a valuable building block to complement Clare Graves’, Don Beck’s and Christopher Cohen’s, and Fredric Laloux’s and Otto Scharmer’s concepts for integral corporate development. Value Balance thrillingly and deepeningly builds up on Christian Felber’s Economy for the Common Good, with a decisive contribution to the long-overdue realization of Hans Jonas’ Imperative of Responsibility. Value Balance visualizes corporate evolutionary sense. I hope it gets attention and interest among managers of all sectors.
Evolutionary Entrepreneurial Spirit
Graduate engineer, organizational consultant, mediator
Horticultural Director (ret.) Office for Urban Ecology and Social Development, Berlin
Dr. Christian Matthiessen
Value Balance implies broadening the horizon of economic calculation to include the whole social organism, and the effects and impacts of the surrounding world beyond the limits of economics and business administration. Despite all inclusion, calculation remains system-specific to “values,” that is, to the distribution of tasks. The book is a methodological attempt to encompass the social organism in terms of economy, that is, with value as the concept for task distribution in order to overcome the blindness that economy has for its “semblance” (spirit, nature). Bravo!
Overcoming Blindness
Conceptualist, author, and head of the Jackson Pollock Bar
Dr. Elfriede Biehal-Heimburger
Trigon Genossenschafterin
Value Balance is a very useful system to initiate and support decisive developments in an organization. Value Balance has become indispensable, precisely as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It encourages keeping macrosocial values in the field of vision.
Values in View
Psychologist, lecturer in Health Sciences and
leadership of various university courses
Dr. Michael Birnthaler
Vorstand und Geschäftsführung EOS-Erlebnispädagogik
The development of a corporate balance sheet that also incorporates the other important factors was long overdue. It hones the perception of aspects that will become decisive in the future of a company: Ideals and visions!Board of directors and management
Dr. Alfred R. Steinhardt
Upon facing the Value Balance that Rainer Monnet developed, it becomes immediately apparent that this is not just a new and enhanced balancing method. It’s something much deeper. It’s more based on an overall concept, a “framework,” which not only reflects classically balanced properties. It also surfaces the “character traits” of an enterprise from the socioeconomic point of view, as well as its systemic added value. This turns Value Balance into an instrument for decision-making in an economy that is increasingly focused on sustainability. Value Balance can help an enterprise become fit for purpose in a changing ecological and economic environment.
Fit for Purpose
Steinhardt Consulting
Udo Zembok
Rainer Monnet enhances and develops the economic concept of balance sheets and points the way to reorienting the corporate value system. This enhancement with cultural, ecological, and ethically grounded standards will also contribute to the humanization of accounting, and, with it, to corporate governance. To my understanding, Value Balance allows a necessary and timely increase in quality for the economy.
Human Governance
Freelance artist, painting, and glass art, Menton, France
Katja Brill
Competitiveness through employees
Perhaps it will be a natural part of an application process for future generations of applicants to get a comprehensive view of the corporate culture through the balance of values. In addition to the numbers, data and facts of monetary success, those values through which the organization becomes effective are equally visible. Whether the degree of agreement between company values and one's own fits, brings the balance of values into a targeted transparency. New employees become “at home” in the company more quickly, enjoy working and are in tune with what you do. Well-being and performance of the employees are success factors of a company.coaching for personalities
Carlos González – Rivera
CT Übersetzungsprojektmanager, Dolmetscher, ATA-Zertifizierte Übersetzer, Translator Without Borders
It was about time someone focused on showing companies an innovative way to contemplate sustainability and the environment as values that could potentially add value. Rainer Monet commendably builds awareness and recognition of the elephant in the room. I can only be grateful.
The Elephant in the Room
Uwe Burka
Berater für soziale, ökologische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungsfragen
Development Potentials
Rainer Monnet finally places people at the forefront, with their potential for cultural, social, and economic development, instead of money. His brilliant Value Balance allows enterprises to use and vividly reflect this process in the balance sheet.Consultant for social, ecological and economic development issues, Puidoux
Ingo Krampen
Barkhoff und Partner
The way we were keeping house, we were fooling ourselves! We don’t measure turnover and profit considering which actual values are created and which are destroyed. We stimulate growth at the expense of nature, in part for long periods, by exploiting people and animals. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that nature has sent us a virus that seriously upturns the entire world economy! Rainer Monnet’s Value Balance is a novel approach that yields hope and allows for an honest balance sheet of our economic activities.
Honest Balance Sheet
Attorney, notary and mediator